The Revels Drama Group in Knowle are about to open their next production, The Late Edwina Black, a Victorian thriller by William Morum and William Dinner.
The play takes place the day before Edwina Black’s funeral, in 1895. Inspector Martin arrives to interview her brow-beaten husband Gregory, her long suffering companion Elizabeth and her faithful housekeeper Ellen. Gregory has long endured the domination of his wealthy wife, but is in love with Elizabeth. The inspector reveals that Edwina died of arsenic poisoning and as his investigations proceed the two lovers quarrel bitterly. Will the couple find happiness or will Edwina continue to dominate their lives in death as she did in life?
“While a popular choice with amateur theatre groups, it is not an easy play for the actors, as there are only four characters to carry a story with many twists and turns,” says director Stephen Yeomans. “Everyone has worked extremely hard to create these characters and the world they inhabit.”
The Late Edwina Black runs from Thursday 8 to Saturday 10 October at 7:30pm at Knowle Village Hall. Tickets can be booked from the Box Office on 01564 779801, can be purchased in person from Palmers on Knowle High Street or will be available on the door. Prices are £8 for adults, £7 for concessions and £6 for members.