Join The Revels
The Revels Drama Group is a local amateur theatre group based in Knowle, Solihull.

Everyone plays an essential part in each production, so whether you fancy turning your hand to acting, directing, set building, front of house, or one of the many other roles available, the Revels could be for you! No matter how much or little experience you have, we encourage you to come along and meet us. We are always on the lookout for fresh talent and the ideas and creativity new members can bring to our welcoming group.
We rehearse on Mondays and Thursdays at the Knowle Village Hall at 7:30pm. As the production gets closer, we also rehearse on Sundays.
For adults, it costs just £12 and £6 for Young Revels (under 18s) for a year’s membership.
Apply now!
To join us, please contact Chris Adderley on 01564 775 428 or by email.
If you are looking to direct a play, contact the Revels Committee for how to submit a proposal.