The Edge of Darkness – October 2010
The Edge of Darkness, by Brian Clemens, played from 14th-16th October 2010 at Knowle Village Hall
Having been found in a hospital by her parents, Max and Laura, after her disappearance several years ago, Emma’s homecoming should have been an event of unalloyed happiness. Soon, however, it seems there is something strange about the situation. Emma’s memory is damaged, which may be why there is much she does not recognise, much that does not quite fit. But why does she appear familiar with certain Russian phrases? Why has she such a horror of a harmless silver bell, of a portrait on the wall, of knives? What lies behind the odd behaviour of the new ‘hired’ man? What is the significance of Max and Laura’s somewhat ambivalent attitude towards their daughter. Is she, in fact, their daughter?
Penny – Mary Reddy
Hardy – David Sanders
Max Cranwell – Martin Reddy
Laura Cranwell – Miranda Sanders
Emma – Helen Roberts
Livago – Chris Cooper
Directed by Stephen Yeomans
Assisted by Chris Adderley