Shut Your Eyes and Think of England

Shut Your Eyes & Think of England – October 2012

    Shut Your Eyes and Think of England, by John Chapman and Anthony Marriott, played from 11th-13th October 2012 at Knowle Village Hall

    When Arthur Pullen comes into the office on Saturday morning to prepare for an audit, he is in for a surprise. His employer has a most unusual guest and mayhem ensues! This hilarious farce lifts the lid on the world of ‘high finance’ and new arrivals including Lady Holbrook, Mrs Pullen and a very influential Arab Sheik lead to an impenetrable maze of confused identities.

    Shut Your Eyes and Think of England
    Faye Gregan (Stella Richards), David Sanders (Sir Justin Holbrook), Martin Reddy (Sir Frederick Gouldhurst), Miranda Ludlow (Lady Holbrook) & Stephen Yeomans (Dr. Cornish)


    Arthur Pullen – Lindsay Warren
    Sir Justin Holbrook – David Sanders
    Stella Richards – Faye Gregan
    Lady Holbrook – Miranda Ludlow
    Sir Frederick Gouldhurst – Martin Reddy
    Sheik Marami – David McMillan
    Dr Cornish – Stephen Yeomans


    Shut your Eyes and Think of England


    Directed by Stephen Yeomans